Can you believe that we have made it too week two of STEM blogs? I can... LOL. I have been helping Josh the hot wheel experience involving physic is phun slogan(so awesome). The kids are wonderful, and it is a pleasure to be able to speak to a group of young women about science and its opportunities. I know they will want to come back for more. As for as my research project we got our little guys (the rats) this week. My student research group is working hard to make sure someone is constantly waking them up to make sure they are sleep deprived. However, we have not decided on an object to train the rats to go to. Any ideas?? We even have a 3D printing machine we can use to create objects that they may like. We are trying to mimic the behavior of students in school and how they use caffeine to sustain their energy and if that really helps their cognitive ability. Hope y'all are having a good week…J

Image result for rats teenagers  Image result for rats teenagers

Teenage rats are what we are working with in our experiment 😉


  1. I’m very interested in your project idea; I would love to see how the rats respond to little or no sleep like we do. Then you can show it to the school board to make classes give us less work and more time at home and for sleep. Which would be super!

  2. I'm so glad that you enjoyed Hermanas! It's one of my favorite things. If you would have told me that I was going to say that before I started I would not have believed you. Your activity sounds so fun. I keep forgetting to ask you or Josh more about it! If you ever need to observe your experimental conditions in humans, I'm probably your girl. Lol. Can't wait to hear about your results.


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