Hi guys,

I know that I have been behind on the post for a few weeks but I am back and in action. I decided to make this post about how my research project with the rats is coming along and how I we have defined our project with caffeine. We are working on figuring out the amount of caffeine needed in aqueous glucose solution to be consumed per gram of body weight of the controlled groups of rats. I assume that 5g woud be enough per every 100g but will have to double check that number as time goes on. We also have started sleep depriving the rats in a room that alternates the night cycle from the day cycle so that they think it is light out went it is actually day time. This gives us the opportunity to wake them during what they assume is there sleep cycle. (pictures are not of my rats but similar to my study subjects).

Image result for sleep deprived rats   Image result for sleep deprived brown rats


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