Week 19 Post

 Something Better....

One of the greatest myths about bees is that they all sting. However, this is been proven to be untrue due to a certain bee not having an ovipositor also known as a stinger. Stingless bees are an important part of scientific study.  Scientist have found that in the stingless bee there are propolis benefits that are in greater amounts than that of a stinger bee..  This honey and all stingless bee honey have a great boost in antioxidant as well as in antiviral and antimicrobial medical benefits compared to that of stinger bees. It could be possible that where the honey comes from could be the major difference in an advancing the physiochemical state of the medicine given.
 So, what are the true medical benefits of honey from a stingless bee versus a stinger bee. Are the propolis benefits truly higher in one than the other? Studies have been done to show that stingless bees produce a honey that has a higher beneficial factor with propolis effects that is beneficial to humans. This is truly a beginning of a possibility of something better. We constantly think are fighting pandemics as human beings and yet never find the solution but this shows that the solution could be right in front of us if we study it a little bit further. Let me know what you guys think and if you find any articles that interest you on this topic because I know some of you have looked this up and its truly fascinating. 




  1. Very cool! Were you able to get back to writing your paper? I personally haven't seen a lot of research on stingless bees but it sounds like a subject worth lots of investigation. I can't wait to see what you find!


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